One Field Fallow is a new socio-cultural project and organization located at Onderrichtstraat 60, 1000 Brussels. Sprouted from a disused night shop, OFF serves as a workspace for social-artistic research, a neighbourhood laboratory, and a meeting point for external individuals, collectives, organizations, and neighbourhood cohesion.

Our organization and its participants operate horizontally, inspired by the rhythm of the seasons and agricultural cycles. Our work aligns with the logic of the 'drieslagstelsel' (three-field system) that circulates between harvesting, sowing, and fallowing. The ability to rest and be rewilded is integral to what we intend with this space. Harvesting and sowing each focus on a different temporality of the organization.

As a collaborator, visitor, or participant organization in this space, we ask you to read and be accountable to our values while within OFF or collaborating with us. These values apply to us internally as much as they do to you. They consist of seven key commitments, which we request you to actively reflect on while utilizing this space.

In OFF we think and act outside of the dominant relational paradigms: both heteronormative relationships and relationships between humans only. We question and unlearn (systemic) power dynamics and strive to create a more inclusive and sustainable community: queer, intergenerational and more-than-human.

OFF is an organisation against precarity. We strive to accommodate people's needs and provide a safe space built on the idea that each person should contribute and receive what they can according to their means and needs. We reserve the right to declare our boundaries and withdraw consent from people and groups who do not contribute to this atmosphere of care. In this society, many acts of violence are perceived as invisible and natural, and those victimised by this violence are often unrecognised or disbelieved. We are committed to the pursuit of caring for each through rest and nourishment and prioritising the safety of each other with the aim that this creates new possibilities and resources for everyone.

OFF is a space to learn from and with each other. We host OFF as a space to listen, experiment and connect, in which we together can imagine a better world starting from a smaller scale. Always striving for a horizontal collaboration, we research possible ways of how to be socially just and ecologically sustainable for both humans and non-humans.

OFF considers accountability (both for ourselves and as a collective) a necessary tool for mediating conflict and processing failures. Centring accountability is our means of empowering ourselves to be responsible for our actions and behaviour toward each other. We recognise that intentions are only one part of any action or relationship, and it is insufficient to simply intend good things. Accountability shapes how we, as complicit participants within social power structures, can instrumentalise our privileges and learn from our mistakes.

OFF embraces contradictions and disagreement, as long as we are kind to each other. OFF is a collage made by its members. Multiple voices and sounds can make OFF flourish at the same time. Decisions are made collectively but decentrally. Decisions do not require a consensus of all OFF’s members. Discomfort experienced by one or more members or collaborators can lead to rethinking decisions taken. The fields and rotating roles allow for non-linearity in our way of working and thinking. OFF’s values are not rigid and can change over time.

OFF is ‘commoning’ the space as a resource that is part of the neighbourhood. We recognise that the presence of OFF in the neighbourhood can be read as a trigger of, contribution to or symptom of gentrification - enhancing processes making the neighbourhood less affordable and accessible for those who already live there. Hence, OFF considers the space as a common resource that is collectively owned, used and taken care of by a community of (local) users who engage themselves to collectively make the rules. It is a space of abundance and shared belonging, materially and immaterially. The knowledge that is produced within the space is open source.

OFF uses klare taal (clear language). We do our best to be as accessible as possible in both written and spoken communication. This means we communicate in short sentences and accessible words. We complement written and spoken word with graphic images that support the content of the message and the audience. We aim to unlearn harmful communication practices that reinforce assumptions and uphold biases - for example, by always using gender sensitive language. We provide communication in different languages (English, French, Dutch) but are still growing in catering towards a bigger variety in language. We recognize that what constitutes accessible communication varies. We try our best to cater for different needs but acknowledge that we cannot offer them all (yet). We are committed to continuing to grow in this regard.
1. Queering Relationships
2. Needs, aspirations and possibilities
3. Collective imagining
4. Accountability
5. Polyvocality
6. Commoning
7. Klare taal (Clear language)
Summary seven values:

1. Be kind to yourself, to other people different from you and to other animals. Even if that means that you have to treat them differently than society does.
2. Listen to your own needs and limits and those of other people. Only yes means yes. Everyone contributes what they can and want.
3. Be open to learn from each other. Try to work, think, imagine together. It starts with listening.
4. Take responsibility for your and other’s actions and behaviour. Direct your means into action, according to your ability.
5. Embrace different opinions. Although we try to make decisions together, it is okay to think differently. Try to listen to and learn from each other.
6. Help to make this space as affordable and accessible as possible to everyone. Join us in thinking how to take care of this space together, so multiple people can enjoy it.
7. Try to talk and write in a clear language that is not too difficult. In our space we want that everyone feels welcome and understood.